Monday, May 29, 2006

On Being a Bum

Whoa. It's been almost a week since my last post. Am I running out of things to say? Nah... I will never run out. Can't afford to run out. I guess it's just been a busy week and I deliberately did not make time to think, reflect, and write (or in this case, to blog).

It's good to keep yourself busy. Great, actually. It's funny how I find myself saying this because I used to tell myself how fun and lovely it is to be a bum. You know, just sitting and lounging on the couch with the remote control on your hand, and a bag of potato chips on the other--not worrying about anything at all. It's just you and your lazy self wasting time... even until the wee hours of the morning.

I used to see how fun and lovely it is until I experienced too much of it. The last days of my very hectic and almost-no-rest semester in 4th year college were excited to see the scene of the cozy and inviting couch I could lounge in for days and weeks. I yearned so much for total rest and official "bum-ness". I did satisfy that yearning. Too much satisfaction, actually, that it almost sickened me. Yes, the having-nothing-to-do in the cozy and inviting couch made me happy on the first days and weeks... but it almost killed me of boredom and loneliness. I realized that being too much of a bum will make you not just bored and lonely, but also stupid. In Filipino terms, "nakakabobo".

And who would want a boring, lonely, and stupid life? Not me, definitely. Yes, it is good to be idle sometimes--but not always. In fact, we were not created to be idle at all. We were shaped to be moving and working in every way we can: eating, dancing, writing, teaching, walking, playing, swimming, walking our dog... we were created to do all these things. Rest is necessary, definitely and absolutely, but life is not all rest. Rest can never exist without work. And therefore if we want rest and idleness, we must see ourselves working first.

After all, we don't want to be bored, lonely, and stupid. Well, if you do, then you don't know what life is really all about. Whether we like it or not, our keeping ourselves busy is what makes us truly alive and happy. Whatever it is that you do, how you value work reflects how you value life.


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